Interactive analytics with Presto and Alluxio

Presto with Alluxio is a truly separated compute and storage stack, enabling interactive big data analytics on any file or object store.

Alluxio provides a distributed caching layer that can be used between Presto and data sources to improve I/O performance. By caching data closer to the Presto workers, Alluxio reduces the latency of data access and alleviates pressure on the underlying storage system

Caching solutions in Presto

Type of Cache
Cache Location
Storage Media
When to Use
Built-in Presto chache
Metastore Cache
Metastore Cache
Metastore Cache
  • Slowplanning time
  • Slow Hive Metascore
  • Large tables with hundreds of partitions
List File Cache
List File Cache
List File Cache
  • Overloaded HDFS's namenode
  • Overloaded object storage such as S3
Allexio SDK Cache
Allexio SDK Cache
Allexio SDK Cache
  • Slow or unstable external storage
Built-in Presto chache
Allexio SDK Cache
Allexio SDK Cache
Allexio SDK Cache
  • Cross-region, multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud
  • Data sharing with other compute engines

Why Presto + Alluxio

Enhanced Query Performance

Alluxio provides a multi-tiered layer for Presto caching to reduce I/O access latency while co-located with Presto, enabling consistent high performance with jobs that run up to 10x faster.

Reduced Infrastructure Costs with Zero Data Copies

Alluxio makes the important data local to Presto, so there are no copies to manage when reading from remote data storage systems like s3, resulting in lower egress and API requests charges.

Unified Data Access

Alluxio connects to a variety of storage systems and clouds so Presto can query data stored anywhere, accelerating queries when reading remote data across datacenters, regions, and clouds.

Featured Resources

White Paper
White Paper

Related Resources

Top 5 Performance Tuning Tips for Running Presto on Alluxio
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Presto on Alluxio, how Netease Games leveraged Alluxio to boost ad hoc SQL on HDFS
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Getting started with Presto and Alluxio
View documentation

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